A slow phone is no fun. What’s more: it can make your days that much more frustrating as you wait for what can seem like forever for apps and web pages to load or for updates to take hold. But here’s the good news: while you can’t always fix a phone that’s older or needs a new battery (unless you shell out some money), there are simple and fast ways that you can bring your phone up to speed simply by adjusting a setting or two. This is the one setting that tech experts say you should turn off to make your iPhone run so much faster.
Setting: Background App Refresh
Background App Refresh allows apps to update their content in the background even when you’re not using them, says Tech Expert Krizza Buendia from euphoricview.com. “This can cause the apps to consume a significant amount of battery and resources, slowing down your phone’s performance,” she said. Fortunately, the fix is simple and effective. “After turning off the Background App Refresh setting, you should notice an improvement in your iPhone’s battery life and performance,” Buendia said. “The apps will still work, but they will only refresh their content when you open them, rather than continuously running in the background.”