From the grocery store to the manufacturing floor, ideas are what fuel innovation. For these concepts to remain current, they must be digital. But a lot of individuals feel that it is out of their grasp, which is where Sachin Duggal’s Builder.AI comes in useful. Building readily customizable, cheap software for your company might make you feel more confident about becoming digital or remaining untechnical.
Sachin Dev Duggal construes the story of his journey of creating and from where he gets the idea of this innovative expert network and says, “I started a cloud computing company as soon as I came out of school, quit my job, where I was building a photo sharing app and got really rogered by a developer. And I thought to myself, I went to Imperial, did engineering. If it's so hard for me to get software built, gosh, it must be so difficult for the little bakery down the road. And that's really when we started this six years ago. Just over six years ago”.